Proposals for publishing, a comparative anatomical exposition of the structure of the human body, with that of a tyger and a common fowl : in thirty tables, two copper-plates to each table, 20 inches by 15 : forming six numbers, ten plates to each number
Stubbs, George, 1724–1806
The anatomy of the horse
Hogarth, William, 1697–1764
Hogarth moralized
Turner, J. M. W. (Joseph Mallord William), 1775–1851
Picturesque views in England and Wales
Angas, George French, 1822–1886
The Kafirs illustrated in a series of drawings taken among the Amazulu, Amaponda, and Amakosa tribes
Bush, Tracey
Cygnea cantio
John V. Harrison & Co.
John V. Harrison & Co.
[approximately 1840?]
John Sanderson & Co
Splendid show of spring fashions
Nightingall, Miles
A catalogue of the genuine collection of pictures, of Mrs. Gamberini, widow of the late Charles Gamberini Esq., deceased, by whom these pictures were collected, at a great expence out of the principal cabinets abroad : consisting of the most eminent and approved masters of the Italian and other schools, amongst which are the undoubted works of Titian, Corregio, Raphael, Rembrant, Rubens, Vandyke, Poussin, Albert Durer, Carracci, Guercino, Guido, Zucharelli, Demenichino, Gio. Dom. Porta, Michael Angelo and other scarce performances, some remarkably curious : also her houshold furniture, an exceeding fine ton'd double key'd harpsichord, by Hawes of Hamburgh : a ditto single key'd harpsichord, with two unison, by Jos. Shudi, in a neat mahogany case : a neat brass measuring wheel, by Adams, on a new construction; and a great variety of other valuable effects : which by order of the executrix will be sold at publick auction by Miles Nightingall, on Wednesday the 10th May, 1775, and two following days, at his great room, the end of Saville Row, next Conduit-Street : beginning each day punctually at 12 o'clock : catalogues may be had as above, the Rainbow Coffee-House Cornhill, and at the auctioneer's in Golden Square
Cooper, Thomas Sidney, 1803–1902
Thomas Sydney Cooper's cattle subjects
[Published by E. Gambart & Co.],
Britton, John, 1771–1857
The union of architecture, sculpture, and painting;