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Higden, Ranulf, -1364, author. Grete thankynges, lawde, & honoure we merytoryously ben bounde to yelde and offre vnto wryters of hystoryes, whiche gretely haue prouffyted oure mortal lyf, that shewe vnto the reders and herers by the ensamples of thynges passyd, what thynge is to be desyred.
Higden, Ranulf, -1364
Grete thankynges, lawde, & honoure we merytoryously ben bounde to yelde and offre vnto wryters of hystoryes, whiche gretely haue prouffyted oure mortal lyf, that shewe vnto the reders and herers by the ensamples of thynges passyd, what thynge is to be desyred
[after 2 July, 1482]
 [The cronycles of Englond].
[The cronycles of Englond]
 [Chronicles of England with the Fruit of times].
[Chronicles of England with the Fruit of times]
[1485 or 1486]
Higden, Ranulf, -1364, author. Policronicon.
Higden, Ranulf, -1364
ended the thyrtenth daye of Apryll the tenth yere of the regne of kyng Harry the seuenth. And of the incarnacyon of our lord: MCCCC lxxxxv [13 April 1495]
 Here begynneth a shorte & a breue table on these Cronycles ...
Here begynneth a shorte & a breue table on these Cronycles ..
and newely in the ye[a]r of Our Lord God 1497 ..
Great Britain. Abbreuiamentum statuto[rum].
Great Britain
Abbreuiamentum statuto[rum]
9 Oct. 1499
 Intrationu[m] excellentissimus liber :
Intrationu[m] excellentissimus liber
anno n[ost]re redemptionis, MCCCCCx, die vero vltima mensis Februarii [1510 February 28]
 Tabula libri assisaru[m] & pl[ac]itorum corone.
Tabula libri assisaru[m] & pl[ac]itorum corone
 Here endeth this presente Cronycle of Englande with the fruyte of tymes, compyled in a boke, & also impry[n]ted by one sumtyme scole mayster of Seynt Albons ...
Here endeth this presente Cronycle of Englande with the fruyte of tymes, compyled in a boke, & also impry[n]ted by one sumtyme scole mayster of Seynt Albons ..
in the yere of oure lorde god MCCCCC and xx [1520]
Fitzherbert, John, d. 1531. Here begynneth a ryght frutefull mater and hath to name the boke of surueyeng and improume[n]tes.
Fitzherbert, John, d. 1531
Here begynneth a ryght frutefull mater and hath to name the boke of surueyeng and improume[n]tes
Lily, George, active 1528-1559. Britanniae insulae quae nunc Angliae et Scotiae regna continet cum Hibernia adjacente nova descriptio.
Lily, George, active 1528–1559
Britanniae insulae quae nunc Angliae et Scotiae regna continet cum Hibernia adjacente nova descriptio
MDXLVI [1546]
Lily, George, active 1528-1559. Britanniae insulae quae nunc Angliae et Scotiae regna continet cum Hibernia adiacente.
Lily, George, active 1528–1559
Britanniae insulae quae nunc Angliae et Scotiae regna continet cum Hibernia adiacente
MDLVIII [1558]
Lily, George, active 1528-1559. Britania insula quae duo regna continet Angliam et Scotiam cum Hibernia adiacente /
Lily, George, active 1528–1559
Britania insula quae duo regna continet Angliam et Scotiam cum Hibernia adiacente
anno MDLXII [1562]
Styward, Thomas, author.  The pathwaie to martiall discipline :
Styward, Thomas
The pathwaie to martiall discipline
Boazio, Baptista. S. Augustini pars est terrae Florida
Boazio, Baptista
S. Augustini pars est terrae Florida
Boazio, Baptista. The famouse West Indian voyadge made by the Englishe fleete of 23 shippes and barkes
Boazio, Baptista
The famouse West Indian voyadge made by the Englishe fleete of 23 shippes and barkes
Cokayne, Thomas, Sir, approximately 1519-1592, author. A short treatise of hunting /
Cokayne, Thomas, Sir, approximately 1519–1592
A short treatise of hunting
Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616.  Translation of a report by Álvaro de Bazan, marquês de Santa Cruz, on the defense of Spain and the West Indies from Sir Francis Drake :
Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616
Translation of a report by Álvaro de Bazan, marquês de Santa Cruz, on the defense of Spain and the West Indies from Sir Francis Drake
circa 1597
Manwood, John, -1610. A treatise and discourse of the lawes of the forrest :
Manwood, John, -1610
A treatise and discourse of the lawes of the forrest
 Description of Jarsey.
Description of Jarsey
 The Castell Perrott placed uppon the rocke cauled the stacke.
The Castell Perrott placed uppon the rocke cauled the stacke
circa 1600
Harrison, Stephen (Joiner and architect) The arch's of triumph erected in honor of the high and mighty prince, Iames, the first of that name, King, of England, and the sixt of Scotland :
Harrison, Stephen (Joiner and architect)
The arch's of triumph erected in honor of the high and mighty prince, Iames, the first of that name, King, of England, and the sixt of Scotland
Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646, engraver. [Atlas of the British Isles]
Keere, Pieter van den, 1571–approximately 1646
[Atlas of the British Isles]
[Amsterdam?] :
Speed, John, 1552?-1629, cartographer. [Proof engravings for The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine]
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
[Proof engravings for The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine]
[circa 1610?]
Camden, William, 1551-1623. Britannia, sive, Florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descripto :
Camden, William, 1551–1623
Britannia, sive, Florentissimorum regnorum Angliæ, Scotiæ, Hiberniæ, et insularum adiacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descripto
Glover, Robert, 1544-1588. Nobilitas politica vel civilis :
Glover, Robert, 1544–1588
Nobilitas politica vel civilis
Vaughan, Rowland, 1558-1627. Most approued, and long experienced vvater-vvorkes :
Vaughan, Rowland, 1558–1627
Most approued, and long experienced vvater-vvorkes
Fouilloux, Jacques du, 1521?-1580, author. The noble art of venerie or hunting :
Fouilloux, Jacques du, 1521?-1580
The noble art of venerie or hunting
An. Dom. 1611
Speed, John, 1552?-1629, cartographer. Theatrum Imperij Magnae Britanniae :
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
Theatrum Imperij Magnae Britanniae
anno cum privilegio 1616
 Baziliōlogia :
Neade, William. The double-armed man, by the new inuention :
Neade, William
The double-armed man, by the new inuention
Speed, John, 1552?-1629, cartographer, compiler. The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine :
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine
Faithorne, William, 1616-1691. Effigies regum Anglorum :
Faithorne, William, 1616–1691
Effigies regum Anglorum
Yorke, James, fl. 1640. The union of honovr :
Yorke, James, fl. 1640
The union of honovr
 The trve effigies of our most illustrious soveraigne lord, King Charles, Queene Mary, with the rest of the royall progenie :
The trve effigies of our most illustrious soveraigne lord, King Charles, Queene Mary, with the rest of the royall progenie
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677. The kingdome of England & principality of Wales :
Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607–1677
The kingdome of England & principality of Wales
 Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum praesertim durante illorum heptarchia
Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum praesertim durante illorum heptarchia
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638. Blaeu's Atlas of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571–1638
Blaeu's Atlas of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland
Speed, John, 1552?-1629. [The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine]
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
[The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine]
Bullock, William, b. 1617? Virginia impartially examined, and left to publick view :
Bullock, William, b. 1617?
Virginia impartially examined, and left to publick view
Speed, John, 1552?-1629. The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine :
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine
Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568-1639. Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters of sundry personages :
Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568–1639
Reliquiae Wottonianae, or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters of sundry personages
Gardyner, George. A description of the New World. Or, America islands and continent :
Gardyner, George
A description of the New World. Or, America islands and continent
Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664. Illustriorum principumque urbium septentrionalium Europae tabulae.
Jansson, Jan, 1588–1664
Illustriorum principumque urbium septentrionalium Europae tabulae
De Gomme, Bernard, 1620-1685.  Plans for fortification and harbor works at Dunkirk.
De Gomme, Bernard, 1620–1685
Plans for fortification and harbor works at Dunkirk
Hermannides, Rutgerus, d. 1680. Rutgeri Hermannidæ Britannia magna, sive Angliæ, Scottiæ, Hiberniæ & adjacentium insularum :
Hermannides, Rutgerus, d. 1680
Rutgeri Hermannidæ Britannia magna, sive Angliæ, Scottiæ, Hiberniæ & adjacentium insularum
Gerbier, Balthazar, Sir, 1592?-1667. Counsel and advise to all builders :
Gerbier, Balthazar, Sir, 1592?-1667
Counsel and advise to all builders
S. P. (Stephen Primatt) The city & covntry purchaser & builder /
S. P. (Stephen Primatt)
The city & covntry purchaser & builder
Fisher, Payne, 1616-1693. Catalogue of the tombs in the churches of the city of London, A.D. 1666.
Fisher, Payne, 1616–1693
Catalogue of the tombs in the churches of the city of London, A.D. 1666
Printed 1668, Privately reprinted 1885
Blome, Richard, 1635-1705, author. A geographical description of the four parts of the world taken from the notes & workes of the famous Monsieur Sanson, geographer to the French king, and other eminent travellers and authors :
Blome, Richard, 1635–1705
A geographical description of the four parts of the world taken from the notes & workes of the famous Monsieur Sanson, geographer to the French king, and other eminent travellers and authors
Storff, Paul Auguste de. Plan of Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight.
Storff, Paul Auguste de
Plan of Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight
Storff, Paul Auguste de. Plan of fortification, possibly at Newtown, Isle of Wight.
Storff, Paul Auguste de
Plan of fortification, possibly at Newtown, Isle of Wight
December, 1671
Storff, Paul Auguste de. Plan of the fortification at Sandown, Isle of Wight.
Storff, Paul Auguste de
Plan of the fortification at Sandown, Isle of Wight
Storff, Paul Auguste de. Plans of the fortifications at Newport and Cowes, Isle of Wight.
Storff, Paul Auguste de
Plans of the fortifications at Newport and Cowes, Isle of Wight
Barlow, Francis, 1622-1704. Seuerall wayes of hunting, hawking and fishing according to the English manner /
Barlow, Francis, 1622–1704
Seuerall wayes of hunting, hawking and fishing according to the English manner
 You lovely virgins that intend to marry :
You lovely virgins that intend to marry
[between 1671 and 1707]
 The English military discipline :
The English military discipline
Blome, Richard, 1635-1705, author. Britania, or, A geographical description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the isles and territories thereto belonging :
Blome, Richard, 1635–1705
Britania, or, A geographical description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the isles and territories thereto belonging
Blome, Richard, 1635-1705, author. Britannia, or, A geographical description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, with the isles and territories thereto belonging :
Blome, Richard, 1635–1705
Britannia, or, A geographical description of the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, with the isles and territories thereto belonging
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Britannia, volume the first, or, An illustration of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales :
Ogilby, John, 1600–1676
Britannia, volume the first, or, An illustration of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales
MDCLXXV [1675]
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Britannia, volume the first, or, An illustration of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales :
Ogilby, John, 1600–1676
Britannia, volume the first, or, An illustration of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales
MDCLXXV [1675]
Dugdale, William, 1605-1686. The baronage of England, or, An historical account of the lives and most memorable actions of our English nobility ... /
Dugdale, William, 1605–1686
The baronage of England, or, An historical account of the lives and most memorable actions of our English nobility ...
Cook, Moses. The manner of raising, ordering, and improving forrest-trees :
Cook, Moses
The manner of raising, ordering, and improving forrest-trees
 [Geographical cards.
[Geographical cards
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Mr. Ogilby's Tables of his measur'd roads :
Ogilby, John, 1600–1676
Mr. Ogilby's Tables of his measur'd roads
Speed, John, 1552?-1629, cartographer. The theatre of the empire of Great-Britain :
Speed, John, 1552?-1629
The theatre of the empire of Great-Britain
Simons, Matthew, d. 1654. A direction for the English traviller :
Simons, Matthew, d. 1654
A direction for the English traviller
Morden, Robert, approximately 1650-1703. A new mapp of England Scotland and Ireland
Morden, Robert, approximately 1650–1703
A new mapp of England Scotland and Ireland
Phillips, Thomas, -1693.  Nautical chart of Grand Havre, Guernsey.
Phillips, Thomas, -1693
Nautical chart of Grand Havre, Guernsey
ca. 1680
Archer, James, approximately 1632-approximately 1680. Plan of Scarbrogh Castle & towne /
Archer, James, approximately 1632–approximately 1680
Plan of Scarbrogh Castle & towne
circa 1680
Cotton, Charles, 1630-1687. The compleat gamester: or, Instructions how to play at billiards, trucks, bowls, and chess :
Cotton, Charles, 1630–1687
The compleat gamester: or, Instructions how to play at billiards, trucks, bowls, and chess
Phillips, Thomas, -1693.  Nautical chart of the east coast of Guernsey.
Phillips, Thomas, -1693
Nautical chart of the east coast of Guernsey
ca. 1680
 Plans for the Citadel at Hull.
Plans for the Citadel at Hull
De Gomme, Bernard, 1620-1685.  Plan for the Citadel at Hull.
De Gomme, Bernard, 1620–1685
Plan for the Citadel at Hull
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. The history of the reformation of the Church of England :
Burnet, Gilbert, 1643–1715
The history of the reformation of the Church of England
 A representation of the Popish Plott in 29 figures,
A representation of the Popish Plott in 29 figures,
 Plan of a fortification in Guernsey.
Plan of a fortification in Guernsey
July 20, 1682
Playford, John, 1623-1686? Vade mecum, or, The necessary companion ...
Playford, John, 1623–1686?
Vade mecum, or, The necessary companion ..
 A particular account of the grants of each session of Parliament :
A particular account of the grants of each session of Parliament
Barbon, Nicholas, -1698. An apology for the builder, or, A discourse shewing the cause and effects of the increase of building.
Barbon, Nicholas, -1698
An apology for the builder, or, A discourse shewing the cause and effects of the increase of building
 Military discipline, or, The art of war :
Military discipline, or, The art of war
Beckman, Martin, -1702. The groundplott of Bouche de Vale on the N.W. side of Guarnsey /
Beckman, Martin, -1702
The groundplott of Bouche de Vale on the N.W. side of Guarnsey
Tower of London (London, England), creator. A List of His Majesty's regalia :
Tower of London (London, England)
A List of His Majesty's regalia
[approximately 169-?]
Maydman, Henry. Naval speculations, and maritime politicks :
Maydman, Henry
Naval speculations, and maritime politicks
Smellie, William. Notebook on weaving.
Smellie, William
Notebook on weaving
1693-ca. 1767
Collins, Greenvile, active 1669-1698, cartographer. Great Britain's coasting-pilot ... :
Collins, Greenvile, active 1669–1698
Great Britain's coasting-pilot ...
Great Britain. Admiralty.  Commission appointing Joseph Taylor as Second Lieutenant to the Gloucester.
Great Britain. Admiralty
Commission appointing Joseph Taylor as Second Lieutenant to the Gloucester
1694 April 27
Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651-1726, cartographer. Les isles Britanniques, qui contiennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande :
Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651–1726
Les isles Britanniques, qui contiennent les Royaumes d'Angleterre, Escosse, et Irlande
[approximately 1695]
Smith, John, active 1684-1704. The experienc'd fowler: or, The gentleman, citizen, and country-man's pleasant and profitable recreation :
Smith, John, active 1684–1704
The experienc'd fowler: or, The gentleman, citizen, and country-man's pleasant and profitable recreation
Dummer, Edmund, -1712, cartographer. A survey of the ports on the south west coast of England :
Dummer, Edmund, -1712
A survey of the ports on the south west coast of England
 [Hunting scene]
[Hunting scene]
[18th century]
Loggan, David, 1635-1700? Cantabrigia illustrata :
Loggan, David, 1635–1700?
Cantabrigia illustrata
[ca. 1700]
 Album of English bookplates.
Album of English bookplates
approximately 1700-1950?
Adams, Mr. (John), -1738. Index villaris, or, An exact register, alphabetically digested, of all the cities, market-towns, parishes, villages, ... the bishopricks, deanries [sic], churches, chapels, hospitals :
Adams, Mr. (John), -1738
Index villaris, or, An exact register, alphabetically digested, of all the cities, market-towns, parishes, villages, ... the bishopricks, deanries [sic], churches, chapels, hospitals
Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794. The gentleman's guide.
Sayer, Robert, 1725–1794
The gentleman's guide
 Collection of engraved portraits.
Collection of engraved portraits
Brome, James, -1719. An historical account of Mr. Brome's three years travels over England, Scotland and Wales. :
Brome, James, -1719
An historical account of Mr. Brome's three years travels over England, Scotland and Wales.
Mathew, William, -1752. A docquet of fees, to be taken by the Secretary of Antigua for the time being ...
Mathew, William, -1752
A docquet of fees, to be taken by the Secretary of Antigua for the time being ..
Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651-1726, cartographer. Magna Britannia, aut Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia, quarum prior divisa in septem Regna, sive Provincias, dictas Northumbriam, Merciam, Angliam Orient. Essexiam, Cantium, Sussexiam, Westsexiam, et Princi. Walliae. posterior in Septent. et Austr. Scotiam. postrema in quatuor Provincias Ultoniam, Lageniam, Momoniam, et Conagtiam /
Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651–1726
Magna Britannia, aut Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia, quarum prior divisa in septem Regna, sive Provincias, dictas Northumbriam, Merciam, Angliam Orient. Essexiam, Cantium, Sussexiam, Westsexiam, et Princi. Walliae. posterior in Septent. et Austr. Scotiam. postrema in quatuor Provincias Ultoniam, Lageniam, Momoniam, et Conagtiam
[approximately 1705]
Piles, Roger de, 1635-1709. The art of painting, and the lives of painters:
Piles, Roger de, 1635–1709
The art of painting, and the lives of painters