London Cabinet Makers, The London cabinet makers' book of prices, for the most improved extensible dining tables,, 1815 [i.e. 1816]
- Title(s):
- The London cabinet makers' book of prices, for the most improved extensible dining tables, with illustrative engravings, by a committee ...
- Published/Created:
- London: Printed for the committee, by T. Kaygill, 1815 [i.e. 1816]
- Physical Description:
- 4 p.., 27 p. 9 plates. 26 cm.
- Holdings:
- Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- BAC : Imperfect: 1 plate wanting.
BAC : Bound with their The London cabinet-makers' union book of prices. London, 1811.
Plates dated 1816. - Subject Terms:
- Furniture -- Catalogs.Furniture industry and trade.
- Export: