MacGregory, John, An account of the sepulchers of the antients, and a description of their monuments , 1712
- Title(s):
- An account of the sepulchers of the antients, and a description of their monuments : from the creation of the world, to the building of the pyramids, and from thence to the destruction of Jerusalem : in two parts ... / by John Mack Gregory ...
- Published/Created:
- London : Printed for the author and to be sold by J. Barnes ..., W. Taylor ..., E. Curll ..., and G. Strahan ..., 1712.
- Physical Description:
- [8], xxvi, [2], 108 p. ; 20 cm.
- Holdings:
- Unable to reach service. Holdings currently not available
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Full Orbis Record:
- Classification:
- Books
- Notes:
- No more published?
- Subject Terms:
- Barnes, F. -- Publisher.Curll, E. -- Publisher.Gregory, John Mack -- Publisher.Monuments.Sepulchral monuments.Strahan, G. -- Publisher.Taylor, W. -- Publisher.Tombs.
- Export: