Titles from explcit (leaf Aa8 recto): Vitas patrum, that is The lyfe of olde auncyent faders
Published / Created:
Enprynted in the sayd towne of Westmynstre : Be my Wynkyn de Worde, the yere of Our Lorde MCCCClxxxxv ... [1495]
Physical Description:
[8], CCCxlvii [that is, 348] leaves : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 29 cm (folio)
Rare Books and Manuscripts
Copyright Status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
BAC: British Art Center copy bound 18th-century diced russia; edges trimmed and stained yellow. "At front are the bookplates of C.W. Dyson Perrins and C.L. Higgins. There is also a note in Higgins' hand tipped in stating that the book is 'quite perfect.' On the title leaf is the cipher of Lord Herbert of Cherbury (1583-1648). An 18th-century bookplate with the initials 'RW' is on the verso of the free endpaper. This copy was sold at Sotheby's on 18 April 1904 to Quaritch, with some other books from Higgins' library. It was sold again in the Dyson Perrins sale at Sotheby (9 June 1947) to Maggs. From Sir Arthur Howard."--Grolier Club.
Subject Terms:
Desert Fathers -- Biography. | Fathers of the church -- Biography. | Christian saints -- Biography. | Hermits -- Biography. | Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583–1648 -- Autograph. | Higgins, Charles Longuet, 1806–1885 -- Bookplate. | Marston, Thomas E. -- Ownership. | Perrins, Charles William Dyson, 1864–1958 -- Bookplate. | Incunabula in Yale Library.
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420. | Caxton, William, approximately 1422–1491 or 1492, translator. | Worde, Wynkyn de, -1534?, printer. | Murton, Charles, active 1821–1840, binder.